Maintenance of water quality is a key issue, globally. In Australia and New Zealand, a key means by which water quality is managed is through the ANZG (2018) Guidelines for Fresh and Marine Water Quality (the Guidelines). Many users are unfamiliar with the Guidelines and how they can and should be used, often resulting in unproductive discussions and ineffective and/or inefficient outcomes between industry and government regulators. I provide specialist expert advice with direct and in-depth knowledge of the details within, and application of, the Guidelines, which helps cut through impasses and assists both government and industry to achieve mutually acceptable outcomes.
For water and sediment quality, including ecotoxicology and ecological risk assessment matters:
I have been continuously involved in applied science related to water quality and aquatic ecosystem protection since 1990. I completed an Honours Degree in Marine Ecology at the University of Adelaide (1990) and a PhD in Aquatic Toxicology at RMIT University (1992-1996).
Prior to working as an independent consultant/researcher, and from 2012 to 2018, I was the Director (and Senior Principal Research Scientist) of the Environmental Research Institute of the Supervising Scientist (ERISS), leading a multidisciplinary research program of over 25 staff with an annual operating budget of approximately $4 million. The research institute undertakes government-funded research and monitoring on the impacts of operations and rehabilitation of uranium mining activities in the Alligator Rivers Region of northern Australia, with most focus on the politically sensitive Ranger uranium mine. Prior to 2012, I held several research team leader positions at ERISS over a combined period of 14 years, and also directed a commercial ecotoxicology laboratory for 2 years.
I have extensive experience in applied environmental research, with a focus on the following key areas:
I also have experience providing advice on other significant water quality issues, including coal seam gas hydraulic fracturing activities and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS).
Amongst the above work roles, I have been significantly involved in the ANZECC/ARMCANZ (2000) and ANZG (2018) revisions of the Australian and New Zealand Guidelines for Fresh and Marine Water Quality. For the 1996-2000 revision, I was a co-author of the Toxicants chapters, including the development of guidance for the application of whole effluent toxicity testing/direct toxicity assessment. For the most recent revision (2009-2018), I was one of two technical coordinators, and have been a member on various working groups and committees, including Chair of the Technical Working Group Chairs group (2009‐2011) and Chair of the Project Coordination Group (2012-2018), which manages the overall package of revisions.